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Email: peter.dietrich @ this domain

Hi! I am Peter

karo.io - info about the creator of www.karopapier.de

Since the dawn of the internet, I have been working on my personal project www.karopapier.de (an online/browser implementation of the vector based racetrack game).

The game features code from the past two decades, from an old php3 forum to realtime websocket push notifications and a Single Page App for playing - and it helped me to experiment with the hot stuff every year.

Even though it has the look of the ’90s (<FRAMESET> FTW!!!), there’s more modern stuff under the hood than you might think…

Find me!

Since my twitter handle @xosofox is impossible to pronounce, I will use this entry point for others to find me more easily.


Why do I have this strange handle anyway?? Well, it’s because

when it is interpreted as playable map code on www.karopapier.de

Can you do serious stuff?

I’m working as a freelancer for several years now. Specialties:

Hot Stuff

Cool Stuff
